(00353) 87 388 0646 globaltalent@back4good.org

Your future in Los Angeles

Los Angeles officially know as the City of Los Angeles and often known by its initials LA is the Cultural,Financial and Commercial centre of South California with a population of over 4 million people.

Los Angeles  is described as the “Creative capital of the World” because one in six residents work in a creative industry and there are more artists, filmmakers, actors, dancers and musicians living and working in Los Angeles than any other city in the world.

Los Angeles county is the 19th largest economy in the world and the top import/ export hub in the USA.

There are a wide array of job opportunities in Los Angeles particularly in the middle-skill area with healthcare and global trade & logistics employees in big demand.

Approximately 1 million of the jobs in the City are high-wage, high growth occupations with employment expected to grow by 12% over the next number of years.

Talent is required in a number of sectors and occupations including

  • IT Infrasturcture and System Management
  • Healthcare
  • Sales
  • HR
  • Education and Teaching
  • Nursing
  • Data base Management and Software
  • Business Development
  • ICT

and much more.

According to a recent report 83% of employers in the City feel that Tech Talent shortages has hurt their businesses through lost revenue,slowed product development or market expansion or increased employee tension and burnout.

In fact Los Angeles has become a rising technology hub in its own right and is now competing with Silcon Valley, Seattle, Boston, New York and San Francisco for this talent.

Los Angeles is a very attractive location for job seekers as it is more affordable with the cost of living much less than other locations on the west coast.

If you want to return home to Los Angeles to live and work or if you want to find one of these exciting opportunities send your expression of interest to info@back4good.org today .

If you are an employer or organisation looking for top talent sign up to Back 4 Good and join this historic campaign .