(00353) 87 388 0646 globaltalent@back4good.org

Your future in New York

New York is currently experiencing a major skills shortage with thousands of unfilled positions and in particular mid-skill jobs in Healthcare and Information Technology sectors are unfilled for months.

Indeed the future on the jobs front for New York is stronger than today with a new report stating that there are over 25,000 middle-skill jobs in the Health Care sector which is expected to grow by 14% over the next five years.

In Information Technology there are 81000 jobs available today and the sector is expected to grow by 15%.

New York is calling New Yorkers back home to take up these many opportunities and to return to live and work in their city.

While the city continues to be expensive to live in the demand for Talent is such that wage rates have risen significantly and highly skilled professionals can achieve very strong packages in the City.

All major employers are currently hiring in the City and in all sectors with companies such as

  • Uber
  • Hudson Bay Company
  • Transfast. Amazon  American Express
  • Marc Fisher Footwear
  • Dirty Lemon Beverages
  • Coty
  • HBO
  • Cartier
  • LG Electronics
  • Spin
  • Forbes
  • Nielsen Rothschild &Co
  • MasterCard

and many more are active in the recruitment area.

If you want to return home to New York to live and work or if you want to take up one of the many available roles register today on this platform or send your details to chloe@back4good.ie and we will take it from there for you.

For employers and organisations looking for top talent contact info@back4good.org for all you HR and Talent needs.

For employers and organisations looking for top talent  contact greg@back4good.org today .