(00353) 87 388 0646 globaltalent@back4good.org

Get there, go anywhere

Your future in America
Looking for a Job?Searching for Talent?

What We Do

Connect you with the right job

Back for Good – Your future in USA are the experts on the vast range of opportunities that are currently on offer throughout USA. 

As a potential returnee we will provide you with an independent guide to all aspects of returning home to your province, city, town or village.

Our experienced experts will be on hand to take you through each aspect and our daily updates on our site and social media platforms will allow you to keep informed of events and issues as the arise.

Our platform will provide information on all relevant areas including,











and much more.


Browse Job Board

Become a Licensee or partner with Back 4 Good

Back 4 Good is a unique online platform that is reaching out to Talented Americans abroad inviting them to return home to take up roles across USA and we want you to get involved. You can do this in a number of ways:



Become a licensee either nationally or province. You can avail of our Brand Platform and Marketing to promote your company, its services and products. As a licensee you will be able to post jobs, received applications directly and if required receive a shortlist of the most relevant candidates as supplied to you by Back 4 Good.

If you are selling a product or service you can do so on the platform with the support of the Back 4 Good Global expertise.

As a Back 4 Good HR partner you can post jobs online with no limits to postings, Back 4 Good will work with you to develop target Digital Marketing Campaigns that source you the top talent you require.



Back 4 God have a range of advertising offers throughout the Platform and we will be happy to discuss these options with your firm or organisation.


  • sponsor the site
  • a page or a blog in all relevant areas
  • Property
  • Insurance
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Leisure
  • Finance

and more.


After Canada and Mexico Tariffs on the way for Europe.

President Trump has warned US citizens that recently implemented Tariffs may cause some pain for Americans . It is anticipated that the Presidents plan will slow global growth and drive prices higher for Americans .President Trump advised Americans that " we may have...
Your future in Pittsburgh

Your future in Pittsburgh

Back 4 Good - Your future in Pittsburgh are in the middle of our exciting  talent drive with a focus on a number of key sectors who are currently looking for skilled professionals in Pittsburgh  including, . Construction . ICT . Hospitality . Healthcare . Engineering...

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