(00353) 87 388 0646 globaltalent@back4good.org

Back 4 Good -Your future in Philadelphia has operated in the city for over 15 years  and has a very strong subscriber base created over this period.

As we bring this new site to America and Philadelphia it presents Back 4 Good with an excellent opportunity to build on our strong relationships in Philly .

As a result of the economic rise Philadelphia offers a significant number of excellent options for skilled professionals .

The city has asked employers in the city to activate the talent that is in the city and expand their talent pool .

For the first time since the Great Recession of 2008-2010, Philadelphia’s job growth outpaced both the region and the nation.

One in four jobs created in Philadelphia is in Tech, this is a shared only second to the San Francisco area, Software Developers for applications were most in demand followed by computer systems analysts.

Philly is also n the look -out for Healthcare professionals Physicians,Surgeons,Lab Technicians and Dentists are in strong demand with a cluster of world renowned hospitals in the city , like Jefferson Hospital ,the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the children’s Hospital of Philadelphia .

On the Financial Services front there are many unfilled positions along with the Community and Social Services field and is rated as the third best city to live in for those who work in both sectors .

If you wish to live and work in Philadelphia send your details to info@back4good.org and we will take it from there for you.

If you are an employer or organisation looking to find top talent and to sign -up to our campaign contact greg@back4good.org today .